Associations between DCV phenomena and crop production and yield across the Missouri River Basin (MRB) are shown here. The crop data are from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The crop data are available from 1961 to 2018.
Figures for seven crops are shown. Crop were selected based on the importance of the crop in the MRB and for the world.
Choose a Crop to display:

Major conclusions of these and other analyses are:
- Analyses of MRB crops show that variations in annual production and yield of major crops, especially non-irrigated crops, are associated with the PDO, the TAG variability, and other DCV phenomena. In some crops, differences in productions were found to be as large as 40% (of long-term average production) between opposite phases of DCV phenomena. These results have very important implications for national, regional, and worldwide food securities as shown in (Mehta, 2017).