Anomalous sea-surface temperature (SST) patterns associated with decadal climate variability (DCV) phenomena over the past one year are shown here. The observed SST data used for this analysis were compiled from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) Version 5.
Choose a DCV phenomenon to display:
Please refer to the Past PDO page to read about how the PDO pattern and timeseries are derived. The monthly PDO index between January 1900 and the current month has a maximum value of 3.17 and a minimum value of -2.9.

The PDO (bars) and its 3-month running-average (black line).
Please refer to the Past TAG page to read about how the TAG pattern and timeseries are derived. The monthly TAG index between January 1900 and the current month has a maximum value of 1.97 and a minimum value of -1.65.

The TAG index (bars) and its 3-month running-average (black line).
Please refer to the Past WPWP page to read about how the WPWP pattern and timeseries are derived. The monthly detrended WPWP index between January 1900 and the current month has a maximum value of 0.87 and a minimum value of -0.78.

The detrended WPWP index (°C) (bars) and its 3-month running-average (black line).
Please refer to the Past EIWP page to read about how the EIWP pattern and timeseries are derived. The monthly detrended EIWP index between January 1900 and the current month has a maximum value of 0.89 and a minimum value of -0.66.

The detrended EIWP index (bars) and its 3-month running-average (black line).
Please refer to the Past AMO page to read about how the AMO pattern and timeseries are derived. The monthly AMO between January 1900 and the current month has a maximum value of 0.61 and a minimum value of -0.56.

The AMO (°C) (bars) and its 3-month running-average (black line).
Please refer to the Past NIÑO3.4 page to read about how the NIÑO3.4 pattern and timeseries are derived. The monthly NIÑO3.4 index between January 1900 and the current month has a maximum value of 3.09 and a minimum value of -2.5.

The NIÑO3..4 index (°C) (bars) and its 3-month running-average (black line).